Michele's Medical Trips
Peru 2006
Five days of medical clinics were conducted in the mountain village of Viru, five hours north of Lima. These clinics were conducted by myself, another Family Nurse Practitioner and a Family Physician. 75 people accepted the Lord as their Savior! These new believers were followed up and discipled by the local church pastor and deacons in the village.
Papua New Guinea 2007
The people of Papua New Guinea have great physical needs. Many die of simple infections. This was an assessment trip. It was conducted by myself and two physicians to evaluate how the people of Papua New Guinea could be more effectively evangelized through medical missions. It was determined that mobile medical clinics would be the most culturally appropriate and cost- effective means of reaching the lost.
Upper Amazon, Brazil 2008
The North Amazon Baptist Hospital was established by ABWE missionaries in 1976. It is located in Santo d'Ica 750 miles up the Amazon River from the town of Manaus in Brazil. In the past 10 years the government of Brazil has built a government hospital in the same town. This has compromised the need for a mission hospital ministry in the same area. This was an assessment trip conducted by myself and two physicians to assess how this hospital building could be used by ABWE medical missionaries to demonstrate the love of Christ through compassionate ministry. A prenatal and an optometry clinic were determined to be much needed services that could be used as a platform to reach lost Brazilians for Christ. Community Health Evangelism (CHE) was also initiated in the area as a means of medical outreach into the local villages surrounding the hospital building.
Nicaragua 2011
Short term medical clinics were conducted within a two hour radius of the city of Managua. Several of the clinics were held at the sites where new church plants were to be started. The perspective church pastor and leaders advertised in the local village and each clinic drew as many as 100 unbelieving Nicaraguans many of whom heard the gospel for the very first time. Those who accepted Christ and others who did not, but expressed a desire to hear more were followed up by these church leaders forming a nucleus for a new church in their village.
Togo, West Africa 2011
In the early years of the healthcare ministry of Hopital Baptist Biblique in Togo, West Africa, nine local churches in and around Hopital Baptiste Biblique were established. Since that time there is a church planting movement occurring in Togo with the establishment of 53 churches in the past 25 years. Most of these were started by hospital employees of Hopital Baptiste Biblique and new believers reached through the clinic and hospital ministries. The clinic sees as many as 80 people each clinic day. Each one hears the gospel and many come to know Him. Compassionate healthcare has been highly effective as a platform for the gospel to touch many lives for Christ in this West African country.
India 2012
There are many evangelical churches and Christians in India. Medical clinics were conducted in and around the city of Chennai, India. Compassionate care is conducted in the "Name of Jesus." All those who express an interest in hearing more about Christ are followed up by local pastors and church workers where they are presented with the gospel in their homes.
Haiti 2013
Our short term medical teams partner with Baptist Haiti Mission. Baptist Haiti Mission has been in Haiti for 50 years establishing churches and christian schools all over the mountains surrounding Port a prince, the capital city of Haiti. We spent five days going out from the Baptist Haiti Mission hospital in Kenscoff conducting clinics in five different mountain villages in local churches. Each and every patient hears the gospel message and is given the opportunity to come to Christ. 45 Haitians accepted Christ as their Savior.
Argentina 2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina was the area of impact during this very exciting trip. Five different local churches hosted clinics in their respective communities. Some were held in the local church building and others were held in rented community centers or clubs. Argentinians were very enthusiastic and eager to reach their unbelieving neighbors for the Lord. Each and every church in this area has the same name, "Missionary Baptist Church." There is a revival occurring in the Global South and it was clearly evident during these clinics. What an exciting place to use healthcare ministry as a tool for evangelism!